When "Religious Freedom" is Freedom to Discriminate
What is "religious freedom?" In the writings and speeches by people who are more politically conservative and part of the so-called "evangelical (political) right," part of the dying portion of American Christianity, religious freedom has become a new way of discriminating against LGBTQIA+ people. It gives those who clamor for so-called "religious freedom" the legal freedom to openly and blatantly discriminate against LGBTQIA+, because LGBTQIA+ people, by just our very existence, are considered an abomination in their so-called religion. These are the same people who promote, "love the sinner, hate the sin," as if one could be extracted from the other. And what religion are we talking about? It isn't Muslim, Jewish, Buddhism, or Hinduism, to name four of the big five major world religions. It is an American Christianity (largely conservative politics with a little bit of Jesus) that imitates not so much the radical politics of Jesus, but the...