Review, "It's a Sin"

 There is an interesting new LGBTQIA+ series on HBO Max: "It's a Sin."  The premise of the show, written by Russell T. Davies (who was behind "Queer as Folk," "A Very British Scandal," and "Dr. Who"), is that it is 1981, and a group of five friends have moved into one large flat together in London. As the 1980s unfolds, we, the viewer, "follow their hopes and dreams, highs and lows, all coming out and coming of age. But a terrible new virus (HIV/AIADS) is on the rise, and they'll need each other more than ever as the fight begins."  

What got my attention initially was the title, "It's a Sin." It echoes the language of "sin" and "sinner," which is Christian based. "Sin in the Hebrew Scriptures points to a "transgression" or "going astray.  In Christian Scriptures (NT), it is opposition against things that are of God. Slightly "heavier" than a mere "going astray."

The popular, modern phrase, "love the sinner, hate the sin," has been around for decades, spouted by mis-informed, theologically poorly educated people who have little to no clue as to how hurtful this phrase is in the lives of those of us who are LGBTQIA+. Or they are aware of how hurtful it is, and use it anyway.

It is important to remember that, a) Jesus never said anything like this, nor did anyone else in Hebrew or Christian Scriptures (OT and NT). And b) St. Augustine once said to a group of religious women, encouraging them to have "Love for mankind (sic) and hatred of sins." 

It is important to remember, from this Reformed pastor's theological training, that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Psalm 51 is a favorite Reformed pastors, especially verse 5: "Indeed, I was guilty, a sinner when my mother conceived me." 

That means all of us, LGBTQIA+ people and non-LGBITQIA+ people.

If you want to blame anyone for beginning this whole downfall, look to the Genesis story, with Adam and Eve, if you want to point fingers.

Being LGBTQIA+ is not a sin. Being HIV positive is not a sin. Nor is a person who is HIV positive and LGBTQIA+ anymore or less or more a sinner than one who is HIV negative and non-LGBTQIA+. Again, the human condition points to that which we all share in common: we are all sinners and fallen short of God's glory.

But this isn't the end of the story, or the theological point. Jesus did call us to love one another, regardless of the color of our skin, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, class, ability, hearing and those who are part of the deaf community, and age and socioeconomic class. John 13:34-35, Jesus gives us a new commandment, to love one another. "Just as I have loved you, you should love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciple, if you show love for one another." 

Loving each other. Loving God. That about wraps up the entire message of the Bible, and God.

For those who get HBO Max, tune into "It's a Sin." It is well done. Thumbs up. Educational. Painful. Revelatory.

And everyone else? Love one another.


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