Greece Welcomes the Marriage of LGBTQIA2S+ People, and Our Right to Adopt Children!

Today, Feb. 15, 2024, the Greek Parliament approved a bill that would allow same-sex civil marriage! It is the first Orthodox country to legalize same sex-marriage. It is a landmark victory for supporters of LGBTQIA2S+ rights, which was greeted with cheers by onlookers in parliament and dozens gathered on the streets of Athens. The law gives same-sex couples the right to wed and adopt children, and comes after decades of campaigning by the LGBTQIA2S+ community for marriage equality in the socially conservative country (Who knew!?).

It was approved by 176 lawmakers in the 300 seat parliament, and will become law when published in the official government gazette. Members of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ center-right New Democracy party abstained or voted against the bill, but there were enough people on the left, liberal side to vote for it, despite a tense debate.

Why am I reporting/blogging on this momentous occasion that seems only state related? Because the Greek Orthodox Church was opposed to this bill. Church and state, or Church in state, a lethal combination, and one that the MAGA Republicans are trying to institute in the US. The governing Holy Synod of senior bishops sent letters to all lawmakers outlining its objections to same sex marriage. A pamphlet with similar wording was read out-loud during Sunday services at all Greek Orthodox churches in the country. And religious groups have staged public protests against the bill. The Greek Orthodox church regards same-sex marriage as a threat to the traditional family/nuclear family model...sound familiar? The Church argued that support for same-sex marriage would affect the already declining birth rate in many European countries, as if we who are part of the LGBTQIA2S+ community couldn’t raise children. Pfft. Orthodox-majority countries all over eastern and southern Europe and Russia are less welcoming of LGBTQIA2S+ rights than in western Europe. D’uh.

Here’s some links to this momentous day:

Love wins in Greece! And may it continue to win everywhere! The struggle is real, and love will always win in the end.


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