How Not to Grow a Church: The Christian Reform Church is In Full Schism
In seminary, I do not remember any class telling us that the best way to grow a church in terms of numbers was by telling a group of people they were not welcome. When I taught in a seminary, I did not tell my students to be sure certain groups of people were not welcomed. And as a pastor, I do not tell congregations to be sure certain people are not welcome to grow a church.
Why is it, then, that denominations are telling certain groups of people they are not welcome, will not be affirmed, and any church that welcomes such people will be kicked out of the denomination?
Last week, I posted a blog on Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) which was going to ask Quest Church in Seattle to leave the denomination. Why? Because they are welcoming and affirming of LGBTQIA2S+ people of faith. I also made a reference to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) which kicked out two prominent churches because there were women in roles of pastoral leadership. Both the ECC and SBC leadership are making sure that there are churches that are not welcome and affirmed because these churches are open to LGBTQIA2S+ and women in leadership roles.
Both ECC and SBC are losing members as a denomination. How is this move supposed to increase membership? Granted, they will pull in others who are homophobes and misogynists, but is that the kind of members we want in the church?
This week our spotlight focuses on the 2023 annual meeting Synod meeting of the Christian Reformed Church of North America(CRCNA), one of the smallest Protestant denominations, which is asking a church to “rescind” any and all church officers who are in same-sex unions/marriages. And if anyone among a church staff supports same sex unions/marriages, or ordination of LGBTQIA2S+ people, they are to be disciplined and brought into compliance with church teachings. Doctrinally, the CRCNA believes that all homosexual sex is sinful.
I’m not going to waste anymore time writing about the policy machinations that are going on in Michigan as the denomination is in full schism, whether they see it or not. Here’s a link to the story:
Again: Like the United Methodists, the Roman Catholic Church, the ECC, and the SBC, the CRCNA are following a well-known path for shrinking the membership base of this church. Fewer people are going to attend these churches that have policies that are anti-LGBTQIA2S+, and in some cases, women.
Explain to me how this helps in terms of church growth? Again, the only people that will be attracted to these denominations share in the same bias and prejudice against LGBTQIA2S+ people and women.
And explain where, in Scripture, this approach works? God keeps calling women and LGBTQIA2S+ people to ministry, to be religious leaders, and the Spirit continues to invite women and LGBTQIA2S+ to be part of the body of Christ.
Or here’s an old fashion way of saying it: What would Jesus do?
Finally, and frankly, these are denominations I don’t need or want to attend.
This is a lesson in how not to grow a church.
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