FDA and Gay Men: New Rules, Slight Reprieve, Still a Stigma

For years I have followed the latest with giving blood at blood drives. I used to give blood whenever possible because I have a universal blood type. And churches, including my current church, will be hosting a blood drive this coming Sunday, May 14, 2023. I haven’t given for years because gay men who were sexually active simply could not give blood, even though transgender people, pansexuals, lesbians, etc., can give blood. And all donated blood is tested for HIV, hepatitis C, syphilis, and other infectious diseases, regardless of one’s sexual orientation.

Today, it was announced that there is a new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) policy coming in the very near future in regards to gay men and giving blood at blood mobiles.

Here’s the good part. If you, a gay man or bisexual man and are in a monogamous relationship with another gay man, then you don’t have to abstain from sex for three months before you give blood at a blood drive. 

However, there are caveats:

First, if you are on PrEP, you cannot give blood until you stop taking PrEP for three months. Why do people take PrEP? In order not to become HIV positive. PrEP can delay the detection of the virus in screening tests.

Here’s a link to the article: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/11/us-blood-donation-rules-gay-bisexual-men

Second, if you have unprotected sex outside of a monogamous relationship, then you have to abstain from sex for three months if you are a gay man or bisexual having sex with another gay man or bisexual man.


As I wrote above, all blood is tested for HIV.

Why continue the stigma against gay men and bisexual men?

While this a good change, there’s more to come.

I currently cannot give blood. 

I look forward to giving blood again in the future.


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