Inflection Points in Time: Transgender Day of Remembrance, Club Q Shooting, World Cup (Soccer) and Macy's Day Parade

There are days and times that serve as an important inflection point in human history/story, that may, in hindsight, herald a new beginning, or a change in the surrounding culture. An inflection point is an event that points to a significant change in a society, like an election; an assassination; a milestone passed and crossed; an insurrection; a war; an anniversary; a birthday; a peace treaty or armistice... all of these can lead to an inflection point that triggers a change in the surrounding culture for the better or for the worse. Or consider it a turning point, either for the good, or for the bad.

My question is this: are we living in an inflection point in our times in regards to LGBTQIA2S+ people? To me, it feels like there are so many things going on that will have an impact upon the society in which we live, surrounding LGBTQIA2S+ people, that it is simply overwhelming when I start to think of it.

The first event is the anniversary of Transgender Day of Remembrance, Nov. 20th. There have been around 32 transgender people who have been killed in the US in 2022, up today. Sadly, that number is bound to go up. Not only that, but transgender youth in particular are targets for Republican state legislatures and governors who are attacking young transgender youth and their families/parents, simply because they want to embrace who they are.

Then, on the evening of Nov. 19th, five LGBTQIA2S+ people were killed, and 18 injured in Club Q, an LGBTQIA2S+ club in Colorado Springs. Much has already been written about this tragedy, in which not only were five innocent people shot and killed, but those who were heroes that night included a drag queen, along with straight allies, who happened to be in Club Q with family members. 

Meanwhile, across the world, in Qatar, the soccer's World Cup extravaganza started, with teams wanting to wear rainbow arm bands, along with spectators wanting to wear rainbow shirts, because of Qatar's prohibition of LGBTQIA2S+ people. Currently, while the arm bands are not permitted, nor people wearing rainbow t-shirts, my hunch is something will change. Heck, they started out not allowing to drink beer in the newly built stadium, but that changed. 

Finally, an LGBTQIA2S+ marching band are going to be allowed to march in the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, but the Salvation Army band will not be permitted to march this year, because of their anti-LGBTQIA2S+ hiring practice, in which they practice open discrimination against LGBTQIA2S+

While we continue to wait for the US Senate to vote on the Respect for Marriage Act, which will protect the marriages of those of us who are LGBTQIA2S+, the world seems to notice that we are here. We still await for the major mainline denominations to put out statements of support, overriding those Governors who support "Don't Say Gay" bills in states like FL. Speak up, churches! We can't hear you!

May it be so.


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