A Case Study in LGBTQIA+ Discrimination on a Once Very Liberal College Campus... in the name of Jesus at Samford University

Samford University, a Southern Baptist university in Birmingham, Alabama, with around 6,000 students, has become a case study in the slide from being an institution that was inclusive of other denominations who support LGBTQIA2S+ people, a kind of "middle of the road," very liberal liberal arts institution, to one who ostracizes other denominations that support LGBTQIA2S+ people.

The story: Samford University, which prides itself in being a more or less "liberal" university and not like Liberty University or Bob Jones University, has an annual campus ministry fair. What was peculiar this year was that two groups were excluded from the campus fair that were usually there: the Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (USA) booths. Why? Because both denominations support LGBTQIA2S+ people in terms of ordination to the ministry as well as LGBTQIA2S+ marriages. I'm sure the United Methodist Church was still welcomed to the fair, though in future years, watch out. There was no report if there was a UCC booth, a booth for ELCA, or a booth for Disciples of Christ, to name a few other LGBTQIA2S+ affirming denominations.

On the website insidehighered.com, reporter Katherine Knott (a story posted on Sept. 15, 2022), reported that Philip Kimrey, VP for Student Affairs, wrote in a campus wide email sent Wednesday that “we are welcoming of all denominations and have no policy or plan to restrict any denominations from our campus.” But he added that university leaders “have a responsibility to formally partner with ministry organizations that share our beliefs."

Among many who know and have been part of the life of Samford University, there was really shock about this decision. But then again, this is the same university that disinvited historian Jon Meachum because he supported Planned Parenthood. However, he was invited later to a separate event at Samford, "Love Thy Neighbor," about the need for civil discourse on college campuses and universities. 

Currently, the University does not have an LGBTQIA2S+ student group, nor does its anti-discrimination clause in its faculty handbook include sexual orientation. In other words, you can be fired or denied tenure if you are LGBTQIA2S+, with no federal protection, because it is a religious institution, connected to the Southern Baptist Church. Remember: religious freedom!

Here's a link here for more information: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2022/09/15/samford-drops-lgbtq-affirming-denominations-campus#:~:text=Samford%2C%20a%20Baptist%20university%20in%20Birmingham%20with%20nearly,president%20declined%20to%20recognize%20the%20organization%20in%202017.

But do these actions work? Denying the Episcopal and Presbyterian presence because they are LGBTQIA2+ affirming will not stop students from visiting one of their congregations in the area. It's like book banning: even though you may not have that LGBTQIA2S+ affirming book in the library, it doesn't mean that there aren't other ways of getting the books, via web and on-line services, or going to a bookstore and purchasing the book. There are more and more portals for people to get information and books.

And after all, how is this denial of two denominations that affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ, embrace the Trinity, and still sing the same hymns as the Baptist, reflect the way of Jesus, who affirms all, especially those who are marginalized. Now that the Episcopalians and Presbyterians are on the margins, there is Jesus.

May it be so.


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