In Marriage, Fidelity; In Singleness, Chastity... And Being LGBTQIA+ Is Simply Not Allowed, Still

 "In marriage, fidelity; in singleness, chastity." 

This old trope is still around, and this time it is back and being supported by LGBTQIA+ who are showing how deep-seeded homophobia is in all of us who are LGBTQIA+, whether we are members of a faith community or not.

One of the "last stands" of heteronormativity in the Presbyterian Church (USA)/PCUSA before the denomination finally welcomed LGBTQIA+ into ordained offices of the Church/church was over this language in our Constitution in 1997, which is the Book of Order"Those called to office in the church are to lead a life of obedience... among these standards is the requirement to live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage of a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness." That last line, "or chastity in singleness" was directed primarily at LGBTQIA+ people. In effect, the PCUSA said that it was OK to have LGBTQIA+ people in the ordained offices of the church, as longs they are chaste/practicing chastity, aka, not having sex or being sexual or practicing being or living full-LGBTQIA+ lives. 

What was peculiar about this language is that we Presbyterians had little to no idea what "chastity" or living a "chaste" life was historically, let alone in the modern sense of the word(s). It was a practice that was not common among Protestants. Catholics, yes. Protestants, no.

In 2011, ten years ago, we finally were welcomed as LGBTQIA+ people in the PCUSA into offices of the church: Minister of the Word and Sacrament/Teaching Elder, Elder, and Deacon.

And later, the Book of Order was amended, allowing us to be married as well. And have children. And have a normal life in the church.

Sadly, such is not the case in other parts of the Christian family tree, especially the branch known as the Roman Catholic Church. This is from "Christian News Wire": 

"Saint Joseph: Model of Courageous Love" is the theme of Courage International's 34th Annual Conference, which will take place at Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas, from July 15 to 18, 2021. The annual conference draws members of Courage – adults who experience same-sex attractions and desire to live a chaste life – and EnCourage – family members and friends of people who experience same-sex attractions or gender identity discordance – as well as clergy, religious and laity who serve in pastoral ministry to this community. Inspired by Pope Francis's proclamation of the Year of Saint Joseph, this year's conference theme draws on aspects of the life of the foster father of Jesus that will inspire members of Courage and EnCourage. 

"For the men and women of Courage, Saint Joseph is a shining example of chaste love, of total acceptance of God's will, and of perseverance in pursuit of virtue, even when it requires great sacrifice," said Father Philip Bochanski, executive director of Courage International. "For our EnCourage members, he is a model of genuine fatherhood, and a reminder that to follow God's plan for ourselves and our families, the most necessary thing is to stay close to, and focused on, Jesus and Mary," Father Bochanski said. 

What is "Courage"? "Courage International, Inc. is an apostolate of the Catholic Church which offers support to people who experience same-sex attractions who have chosen to live a chaste life. (

As I read of this gathering, the word "chaste life" is a trigger word, and I was instantly thrown back into the struggle we had within the PCUSA. While we seemed to be making advances every General Assembly for decades, this move towards "chastity in singleness" was a step back, only to be changed in 2011.

To say the least, I am sad that there is still this kind of thinking and practice among my Catholic siblings. We know that over 40% of US Catholic priests are gay, and that many Catholics who are LGBTQIA+ simply ignore the strictures of the Vatican against LGBTQIA+, going to Catholic campus centers to receive the Eucharist, along with all the divorced Catholics. 

But living in such discord can take a toll on one's spiritual life, let along emotional, physical, and mental well-being. 

My prayer and work is for a day in which every LGBTQIA+ person of faith can come out of the closet; ignore the Apostle Paul as a sex therapist or educator and just attend to what he wrote about being body of Christ(he gets it), gets well-educated on more current sexual development theory, as well as understands a more modern or historically relevant doctrine of creation/human theology, and practice or put forward grace, forgiveness, and love, rather than church doctrine. 


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