Let the Children Come to Me (Matt. 19:14): Jesus welcomes all children to the realm of God’s love.
The Scripture is simple and clear. Jesus welcomes children. Period. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs” (Matthew 19:14). This includes transgender children. It includes children with disabilities. It includes children of all nationalities and ethnicities, and children from various socioeconomic backgrounds. It includes children of various sexual orientations. Jesus was inclusive of all. He welcomed children of sheep herders and people who fished and children of the wealthy elite. All children were welcomed. Then why are Jesus’ followers today trying to restrict which children are welcome, and which aren’t? Fact: there are 44 (!) states with anti-trans legislation pending before them. Just because state legislators want to deny children care and healthy ways of dealing with their feelings about who they are in terms of gender assigned at birth does not mean that their law...