The Struggle Is Real: The Attack Against LGBTQIA2S+ Community
I was hoping to end the year with a kind of summation of where we "are" in the LGBTQIA2S+ community and the world in which we live. However, opening up Oregon Public Broadcast (OPB) latest news on their website, such was not the case. Elizabeth Miller of OPB wrote the following: " A new survey of LGBTQ youth across the country finds 45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered suicide in 2021, the year survey responses were collected. At the same time, 60% of youth who wanted mental health care were not able to get it." "In Oregon, 44% of LGBTQ youth surveyed have “seriously considered” suicide in the past year. That figure is only slightly lower in Washington, where 41% of LGBTQ youth surveyed considered suicide." "Ninety percent of Oregon LGBTQ youth say recent politics have harmed their well-being “sometimes” or “a lot.” That number is 89% in Washington." This is scandalously high. Having worked in non-profits who house LGBTQIA2S+ young people...