Noisy Cacophony: LGBTQIA2S+ People, the Episcopal Church, the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and the Anglican Communion
I recently attended the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) [PCUSA] as a Commissioner, which meant I had a vote on matters concerning the national church, which, of course, also has an impact upon the churches in the PCUSA. We are a US based denomination, not a global denomination, like the United Methodist Church (UMC) or the Roman Catholic Church (RC). We are also members of the Worldwide Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), along with 200 other Protestant denominations, which have our roots to the 16th century Protestant Reformation. What is decided upon in WARC has little to no impact upon the PCUSA. And for that, I am thankful. The PCUSA allowed those of us who are LGBTQIA2S+ to be ordained in 2011, and in the years that followed affirmed marriage equality. In this General Assembly we talked about a staff person on the national level as a person who will advocate for LGBTQIA2S+ people in the denomination. When I worked for and with the OR-ID United Me...