Thanks for the Memories: Remembering LGBTQIA+ People and Allies Who Died in 2021
"Let us now sing the praises of famous people, our ancestors in their generations" (Ecclesiasticus/Sirach 44:1). As 2021 draws to a close, and we await the beginning of 2022, this is a time to remember who, in the LGBTQIA+ community, and among our allies, are no longer with us. Some of them were truly "larger than life," while others entertained us, and still others were without a name, but their presence in this world, mattered. One of those who was larger than life was the late-Archbishop Desmond Tutu of the Anglican Church of South Africa. There is no doubt that he was instrumental in the awakening of racism in South Africa, leading the anti-apartheid movement, side to side with Nelson Mandela. After Mandela became President of South Africa, he asked his friend, Archbishop Tutu, to head of the successful Truth and Reconciliation Commission process in the country, dredging up memories that revealed the deep, festering wound of that country, brought on by racism an...